It is healthier, naturally sweetened alternative to industrial ice cream for you and your family.
?3 medium bananas chopped and frozen
?2-3 tbsp peanut/tahini butter (you can substitute with any nut or seed butter of your taste)
?3-4 tbsp cocoa powder (if you will use dark cocoa powder it may hide the banana flavor)
?Spice it up by adding a pinch of cardamom or a drop of vanilla for an extra flavor (optional).
Combine all ingredients in a food processor or high-speed blender and mix until well combined and smooth.
Depending on your blender, it may be easier to blend if you allow the frozen bananas to thaw 5-10 mins first.

?Don’t forget the toppings, such as shredded coconut, chopped nuts, dark chocolate shavings and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.
? Serve immediately and enjoy!

Frog, Green, Rain, Rainy, Cartoon, Cute
Relief Without Drugs

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