Tag: nutritional advice

Vegetarian Borscht Soup
Borscht (Борщ) is one of the most popular soups in Eastern Europe. Each country has its own recipe. I would even say, each family has its own way of mixing all ingredient according to their own taste.Some borscht recipes can be vegetarian, whilst others will contain meat. However, borscht alwaysRead More

Russian Vegetable Paste from Zucchini or Zucchini Caviar
This magic spread with amazing flavour on a piece of your favourite bread – what can be better? On top of that, zucchini has huge benefits for your body. It has therapeutic compounds such as lutein, β-carotene, zeaxanthin and dehydroascorbic acid and full of antioxidant/anti-radical, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial andRead More

Vegetarian Sauerkraut Soup with Beans
There are so many different varieties of this recipe. You can cook it with meat or smoked sausage, mix it with fresh white cabbage or fermented purple cabbage to give colour, use any beans or chickpeas, and even add a smoked paprika to get the smoky flavour. It depends onRead More

Do you really need to detox your body?
The question is: do you really need a detox diet to help your body, as the detoxification process is something that the body does daily per se? Or do you need radical changes, at least where it is possible, to keep the body in optimal health? Detox (short for detoxification)Read More