On these hot summer days, would be appropriate to have something cold to eat. This vibrantly colourful soup is deliciously refreshing, contains just a few calories, and is packed with nutrients and fiber.

✓  3-4 medium-sized beets
✓  3 medium-sized cucumber
✓  6-8 radishes (optional)
✓  4-5 hard-boiled eggs
✓  kefir + water (the amount depends on how thick/thin you would like your soup, I always dilute kefir with water)
✓  4-5 green onions
✓  1 bunch fresh dill chopped (optional)
✓  sour cream
✓  juice of a lemon
✓  salt
✓  ice cubes (optional)
Cook beets to a half-ready stage, this way you will save more valuable fiber. Peel once cooled.
Meanwhile, chop the cucumbers, radishes, boiled eggs, green onions and dill.
Mix vegetables with kefir + water +ice and refrigerate to cool down even further.
Serve with half of an egg in each portion, along with a dollop of sour cream and dill. Enjoy.

Frog, Soup, Cooking, Eat, Kitchen, Delicious, Gourmet

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